Yo. So yesterday i got a tattoo on my arm. My uncle did it for me. He goes by DEE and works at Da Underground Tat2 and Underground Creations. I'll post the addresses at the end of this blog. Anyways, NO, it didnt hurt. The feeling is weird, im debating it's either a really rough tickle, or an annoying pinch. I'll post the actual picture of the tattoo after it heals. But heres the Art. It's my parents' names. Says my dads one way, then upside down it says my moms name.


Yeahh, so thats what i got on my arm. Like i said, i'll post up a picture later on when its heals. I also got different reactions from people. Some people said 'Finally' meaning they always thought i would get one. Some people were surprised that i got one. My parents actually didnt mind me getting a tattoo, but they didnt like the location of my body i chose. lol. I'm gonna end this right here. I'm blanking out.

Da Underground Tat2
3132 Story Rd.
3132 Story Rd.
San Jose, CA 95127
Underground Creations
86 Keyes St.
San Jose, CA 95112
Where an AGM shirt when you get inked up.