Here are some pics. =)

So bye bye Madden. Bye bye sleeping at 3 in the morning. Hello textbooks. Hello bills for school. Hello 5 am.
BBQ all Night. Check out that flame yo! Burnt patties!
The couple thats been married for 5 years! Cheers!
But they've been together for most of my life. I spent alot of time with them when i was little. Went to a few Warriors games. Chuck E. Cheese and Great America HELLA times. Mall runs all the time. They did alot of stuff for me too. They got me a SPREWELL jersey on one of my birthdays! Hooked it up with some Wu-Tang CD's! Haha. and moree. Oh yea, Shiett. I even slept on their floor in their room too! haha. Thanks Guys! <3
Here's Thang chillin and waiting for his Quesadillas. Jealous Or What?! Thangs not. he got 2 Quesadillas!!!
TORTA! The Mexican Burger as they call it.
Tha Fiends, one of the reasons to go to Iguanas. Tha Fiends shirts coming soon. =)
Freestylin it right after. But prior to this, we were just chillin right outside of the building, and i met some cat that my boy Bernard was talking to. He's into photography, and he worked for some Magazine that came out of Brooks, but he mentioned they flopped. He also showed me his stuff. Some Rated-R stuff, but his concepts are dope and creative. I give him mad props.
All in all, it was a laid back day. nothing really negative except the fact that i found out i have to go back to the dentist. It's not that I'm scared. I just find it really annoying. Appoinments always fall in where I'm most busy and they also take FOREVER. Yeah, well thats it for now. Peace.
I folded like 80% of the night. lol. I blame it on the sorry cards that I get. I know it's no excuse, and I'm no poker king but would you play a 3 and a 6 when all the cards being played are high cards? haha. I think not. But yeah yeah, alot of you will say BLUFF! Lol. Trust me, i did. I succeeded sometimes, and sometimes i got caught. Alot of times, I folded. lol. You CANT bluff every hand. It just doesnt work that way.