Sup. Labor Day weekend...I went camping with some of my familia. Good Times.
Good Morning Planet Earth.

BBQ at the Lake.

Chop it up. Chomp it Up.

Sit down.

Stand Ups.

Vroom. You know you like that.

Offroading the RC gave us an idea....


The StormTrooper.

The cleanest FJ Cruiser that you'll ever see in your Life.

SodaPop got lazy goin up the trail.

Hella Hard.

Bon Fire. Good Night.

This is like, the first time I really appreciated going camping. I mean, it was always fun to me. But i just never realized some things. Waking up in the morning and smelling the air. Sleeping on the side of the lake. Going 65 on a jetski with water slapping onto your face. Grubbing on some steak while watching the waves. Chillin right next to a bon fire while its crazy windy and cold. And to top it all off, Laying on the bed of a truck, looking up at the stars. Mad beautiful. Pitch black sky lit up with stars and every couple of minutes, a shooting star passes by. Amazing.