So earlier, I dropped the bomb on the world...
and at the end of the night, I'm getting all these touchy messages on the AGM account, my personal account, and people people are calling and texting me asking me "WHY?!"....All i can say right now is "Thank You." You guys give me so much pride and a sense of accomplishment...a sense that many people in the world may not ever experience. At this point, I feel no shame in leaving something that has been started. I've found out that a lot of you have realized what it took to get our name out from the beginning until today. So obviously, we've made our mark...
I can drive around town, and spot AG on people's cars.
I can step inside a public restroom or walk through a community college and see AG stickers placed in the most random places.
I can walk into a Workmens Balance or a Nordstrom and see any aged person wearing a hoodie.
Or i can walk into my old highschool, the place where it all started from and catch a kid in any grade rockin' a brand new AG tee.
Yeah, we've made our mark.
Thanks for the support. and just knowing this makes me tear up.
Just keep supporting us and like me, you'll be soon to find out that...
AG Won't Stop!